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Prof. Dr. Alice J. Lee

Alice Lee is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior in the ILR School at Cornell University in Ithaca NY. As an enthusiastic researcher and lecturer, specializing in areas such as negotiations and social processes, she contributes to our scientific foundation.

Her research explores the dynamics of social influence, where one person makes an overture toward another in the hopes of achieving a particular economic or subjective outcome, such as asking a colleague for help or seeking a concession from a negotiation counterpart. Her focus goes beyond the objective outcomes to understand the social gains and losses that emerge from an influence attempt in negotiations, including its effects on long-term relationships and reputations.

She is deeply passionate about pursuing research and sharing knowledge on negotiations. She teaches various courses on this subject at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels at Cornell University and is a member of the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution.


Jean-Paul Vulliéty is a full professor of business and contract law at the University of Geneva and a lawyer in Geneva.

After 25 years as a partner with Lalive AG, an internationally renowned Geneva-based law firm specializing in dispute resolution, he is now Senior Counsel with Des Gouttes & Associés in Geneva, a smaller law firm that is also very active internationally in the areas of business law and commercial dispute resolution. As an attorney, he advises companies in complex international negotiations and he has rich expertise as arbitrator and counsel in commercial arbitrations.

He also publishes regularly in legal journals and, as a militia officer, is involved in various Swiss Army assessment centers as a moderator and assessor for the selection of professional officers and candidates to a career in the general staff.

In his private life, he enjoys spending time with his family, especially his three children who are currently studying at universities in Switzerland and abroad.